Friday, April 16, 2021

Philosophy Exam Questions

  • [DOWNLOAD] Philosophy Exam Questions | updated!

    What are the logical principles of correct reasoning? Why should we study philosophy? We will become better critical thinkers as a result. My process of critical thinking is to consider all sides and perspectives, as best as I can. Today, I find...

  • [GET] Philosophy Exam Questions

    The next stage is Anything Goes. As the name implies, anything goes with our thinking. We could believe anything. But we start to see that some thinking is better than others. The next stage, Thinking Critically, is a synthesis of the first two...

  • Philosophy Of Religion Exam Questions

    The Socratic Method is a dialectical method. Dialectic is a dynamic exchange or method involving contradiction or a technique for establishing an informed conclusion. In essence, it is a question-and-answer approach. What did we learn about Socrates? We learned that Socrates was a philosopher who lived around BCE. Socrates did not leave for us any direct accounts of his life. Socrates believed we each should strive for excellence. Socrates believed that no one knowingly does evil. What did the Oracle of Delphi say about Socrates? What was Socrates response?

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  • Advice To First-year Students In Philosophy:

    Socrates could not understand how he was the wisest, but the Oracle could not lie since she spoke for god. Socrates sought out those who claimed to be the wisest to understand this claim. He found politicians who thought that they were wise, but Socrates showed that they were not. They claimed to know things, for which they did not. Socrates also found artisans, who did know somethings that Socrates did not, but they thought this made them wise in all areas, which they were not. Socrates agreed after his investigation with the Oracle that he was wisest, but that he was only wiser in the sense that he acknowledged he did not know anything at all.

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  • Philosophy: Past Exam Papers

    Why was Socrates put on trial? Detail what happened at the trial. Socrates was put on trial, ultimately, because of enemies he had made. Enemies did not like what he had to say. At the trial, Socrates, first, has to ask the jurors to set aside their prejudices of him. He has a difficult time with this since he cannot directly confront those who speak ill of him. Socrates is able to prove his innocence for the charges brought against him. However, the jury still found him guilty due to their hatred of him. Socrates then had the opportunity to make a case for a reduced sentence. However, Socrates refused to conform, since he never did any intentional wrong, and was sentenced to death. Socrates ends with a final prophecy of the uproar that would come as a result of his death. Who were the Pre-Socratics? The "Allegory of the Cave" by Plato represents an extended metaphor that is to contrast the way in which we perceive and believe in what is reality.

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  • Exam Past Questions

    The thesis behind his allegory is the basic tenets that all we perceive are imperfect "reflections" of the ultimate Forms, which subsequently represent truth and reality. In his story, Plato establishes a cave in which prisoners are chained down and forced to look upon the front wall of the cave This Allegory applies to me that reality as I know it is not how other people know it. Here I am, with my clean drinking, square meals to eat, white-collar job hopefully , and someone else is living what I would find as a miserable day-to-day existence, yet they might not see it as such. Detail poisoning the well. How does it apply to you? According to Nizkor, poisoning the well is "reasoning" involves trying to discredit what a person might later claim by presenting unfavorable information be it true or false about the person. This "argument" has the following form: 1.

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  • Philosophy: Past Exam Papers

    Unfavorable information be it true or false about person A is presented. Therefore any claims person A makes will be false. I have not had any encounters with poisoning the well. However, it is something that could easily happen to me. People might one day ridicule me for my religious beliefs, and lose sight of what I am really trying to preach. Who are you? Socrates: I am a physical body and an immortal soul. After my body dies, my soul will continue to exist.

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  • Part II Past Exam Papers

    This is dualism. The belief that there are two realms. One physical and one perfect. Plato: He expands on Socrates dualism. The self and soul are comprised of Reason, Appetite, and Spirit. Appetite is our basic biological needs, like hunger, thirst, and sexual desire. Spirit is our basic emotions like love or anger. And Reason is what makes us think deeply and make wise choices.

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  • Multiple Choice Quiz

    He described this as a chariot with two horses, one black and one white. The charioteer was Reason, in control of the horses, the black horse was Appetite, and the white horse was Spirit. Everything else is the same.

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  • How To Answer Philosophy Exam Questions

    You must answer 20 from 25 questions selected from the following: What were the questions in the first two envelopes Sophie found? What were the three problems with which Sophie was presented in the first chapter? What is said to be the best way of approaching philosophy? What can reading what other people have believed help us to do?

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  • Philosophy Test Quiz1

    What is the only thing we require to be good philosophers? Why do Thomas and his mother react so differently to his father's odd behavior? What do we mean by "philosophy? What is found, not only in Norse mythology, but in almost all other cultures? What does myth attempt to give people? Is this all it is or does? By whom and when was much of Greek mythology written down?

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  • Practice Exam Questions By Topic For A Level AQA Philosophy

    Who was an early exponent of the view that myths were nothing but human notions and who suggested that men have created the gods in their own image? In what environment did people begin to ask philosophical questions without recourse to ancient myths? What was the aim of the early Greek philosophers? What are the three new questions that Sophie is presented? Why were the earliest Greek philosophers called "natural philosophers? What is the most interesting part about the thought of these early philosophers? Who is the first philosopher we know of and what did he think was the source of all things? What did Anaximander C. Who thought that the source of all things must be air or vapor? What did this last theory have in common with Thales C. What do we mean by "the problem of change? What is a rationalist? What did Heraclitus c. Without what would the world cease to exist?

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  • Practice Exam Questions First Year Theory Of Knowledge (Philosophy)

    What term did Heraclitus often use instead of "God? What observations led the Greeks to believe that fire was also essential elements in the physical world? What two things did Empedocles BCE believe to be at work in nature? Who held that nature is made up of an infinite number of minute, invisible particles? What else did he believe to be at work "creating animals and humans, flowers and trees? Who is called "the last of the great natural philosophers? In what did he agree with Parmenides? What is a materialist? What marked the end of Greek natural philosophy? What new question did Democritus raise? What are the next three questions Sophie is posed? In what did Democritus not believe? What does it imply if God or fate are thought to govern the course of history? What is fatalism? What does the belief in oracles imply? What was believed about the oracle at Delphi?

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  • Philosophy Practice Questions

    What did the inscription over the oracle at Delphi remind people? Who was said to be the founder of Greek medicine? What were the next four short sentences Sophie was given to think about? Who were the three great classical philosophers? What were the natural philosophers also called? Who was the first of the great philosophers to be born in Athens? What group dominated the Athenian scene at the time? What is required in order for democracy to work? What one characteristic did the Sophists have in common with the natural philosophers? What view is called skepticism? Who said, "Man is the measure of all things? How did Socrates respond to this? How is the life of Socrates known to us?

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  • A Student's Guide To Philosophy Courses By David Benatar

    What has inspired thinkers in the Western world for nearly 2, years? How did Socrates see his philosophic task? Of what was Socrates accused? What are the similarities between Socrates and Jesus? What does "philo-sopher" actually mean? What does the philosopher know in reality? What one statement of Socrates on this topic are you asked to remember? Who are said to be the most subversive people? What faces mankind and what two possibilities present themselves in response to this? Why was Socrates a rationalist? What is the definition of piety offered by Socrates in the Euthyphro? How does he object to it himself? Why is it said that there is no wiser man in Athes than Socrates? What is Socrates' argument against the charge of "atheism"? What are the four methods of settling philosophical opinion, according to Pierce? Although Pierce seems to require an objective method, Feigl does not insist on "objectivity" but instead suggests what as the first criterion of a "scientific approach" to philosophy?

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  • Official Quiz 1: Philosophy 1

    The general pattern of the quizzes will follow Quiz 1. The precise material to be covered by the remaining quizzes will be dictated by our progress in class. You must answer 20 from 25 questions selected from the following: What does the word Acropolis mean? What is probably the oldest theatre in Europe and what was performed there? How can it be claimed that "the whole of European civilization was founded in this modest area" the agora in ancient Athens? What four tasks does Plato present to Sophie?

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  • Exam Questions: Introduction To Philosophy

    What must be true if a baker makes fifty absolutely identical cookies? What happened when Plato was 29? What was Plato's first deed as a philosopher? What was the name of the school that Plato set up? What did the Sophists claim about perceptions of right and wrong? What did Plato believe about absolutely everything that belongs to the material world? What is the difference between a particular horse and the "form" of the horse? After what did Plato believe all things to be fashioned? As what is Plato's remarkable view known? What is Plato's point about knowledge as applied to the senses and to reason? What did Plato believe about all natural phenomena? What was the "cave dwellers" relation to the "shadow play? What characterizes every aspect of Plato's philosophy? What did Plato believe concerning women? Who was the first to discuss and criticize Plato's theories? What are the next five questions posed of Sophie?

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  • Part IA Past Exam Papers

    To what fact is the significance of Aristotle for European civilization in part due? What discipline did Aristotle found as a science? What was the "idea" or "form" of, for example, horse, to Aristotle? What did Aristotle point out about all things that exist in consciousness? What are "innate ideas? What did Aristotle think about causes in nature? On what was Aristotle's logic based?

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  • Final Exam Review

    To what extent does Plato successfully explain the relationship between the body and the soul? How successfully does the language games concept make sense of religious language? Critically compare the logical and evidential aspects of the problem of evil as challenges to belief. To what extent does Kant successfully criticise the ontological argument? To what extent does Hume successfully argue that observation does not prove the existence of God? Critically evaluate this claim. Evaluate this statement. Discuss this statement. Discuss with reference to the Third Way. To what extent is this judgement fair? Critically assess this claim.

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  • Philosophy Test Quiz1 - ProProfs Quiz

    Welcome to Philosophy Questions and Answers.. Answer: There are objective standards of right and wrong which can be discovered and which apply to every one. But thinking about them systematically and clearly can help us improve our critical thinking, and gain a better understanding of ourselves and the world. Is having a big ego a negative trait of positive trait? Education is the basic and essential part of any human being and teachers are the base of any education system.!

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  • Educational Philosophy - Education Questions & Answers

    Quine doesn't believe that there are, scientifically speaking, physical objects. Will a world without reliance on modern technology make any progress? Answers at end. We are giving 50 questions of Philosophy of this exam with answers. Question: Why are we dying to live if we're living to die? His critique of truth in favor of perspectivism and his concepts on irony and aphorism would connect with students of this age in a realistically relatable way. What makes philosophical questions popular in circles is the awakening they bring about in a thought process.

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  • 30 Deep Philosophical Questions – Highly Thought-provoking Questions.

    Below is my list of philosophical issues that I think concern people the most. Many philosophy questions are easy to understand but difficult to resolve satisfactorily. He has tried more times than anyone can think to manifest himself and shown he wants to save people. We speak of certain facts about God whilst we answer some questions about God from the angle of Philosophy. We try and think out of the box when we give answers to philosophical questions. Does evil come from within, and if so why? This is just one of the … Is free will real or just an illusion? Created by. Is there an absolute way to attain a happy state of mind? Does free will exist, or is every action predetermined? There are many questions in life for which there are no set answers, or such diverging opinions on answers that just raise more questions. What is his true home? God "does not" intervene because humans don't allow him to.

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  • Philosophy Questions And Answers Asked In Competitive Exams

    Would you kill ten people to save 1? Terms in this set 28 Deontology. The term philosophy is believed to be coined by the Greek philosopher Pythagoras and translates to "love of wisdom. Is there freedom in creativity and art in the modern age? Answer: Belief about a perfect life is conceptual. Do numbers in a bank account make people happy? Since man first walked earth there have been numerous instances where God has appeared to people in different forms or visions. His philosophy of mind, epistemology, and ethics have come to be known as Kantianism - based on the concepts of duty and rationality over emotion. However, if a parallel universe does exist it may well change norms, understanding and belief in regard with time through progressive theories and research. All answers pertaining to life, knowledge, reason, and existence lie within us unexplored. If all the currencies in the world did not have monetary value, would our world be a much better place?

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  • Philosophy Questions And Answers

    Your email address will not be published. How do you know if you love someone enough to marry them? Question: How can you convince a non-believer that God exists? Will robots take over the world in the future? You will take 30 questions at a time randomly with a time limit of 90 minutes. Why does God not intervene when evil takes root in people? Our online philosophy trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top philosophy quizzes. Do ghosts and spirits of our deceased loved ones exist, or are they only mental projections? Nothing is ever forced. Science is about facts, while philosophy is about opinions. Answer: Death is not the end. What is the Meaning of Life? The Consolation of Philosophy Questions and Answers. Does fate exist? Following each answer is an indication of the expected class of an essay at this level together with a brief justification. Here are 65 deep philosophical questions for you to ponder. Will the world come to an end by human hands?

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  • PHILFinalExam-Answers

    Is there a meaning to life? This will ensure the interviewer fully comprehends your answer and recognizes your strengths. Questions about philosophy, e. Impossible Philosophical Questions. Can spirituality make you a happy person? Questions that spark discussions involve answers that are compelling and intellectually stimulating. Thanks to D. Ancient Greek Philosophy. Test Questions for Intro. Is our universe real? It shows your potential employer whether or not you fit in the style or culture of the company. Interviewers ask these types of questions to get a sense of your values and to determine if your philosophy is consistent with the orientation of their organization. Question: If depression is so common why do we think about it to be different?

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  • Philosophy Objective & Practice Questions (HOT & Expected Questions For 2021) For Competitive Exams

    Answer: Love of wisdom. Musa W Dube. If judgment is for God, why do we pass judgment? Question: Which branch of philosophy is primarily concerned with the question of being? Is there a perfect life? Besides the fact that I do nothing but AP chemistry and AP economics, I constantly think of stupid questions that are almost impossible to answer. Answer: Philosophy is derived from the Greek philosophia, philos meaning love and sophos meaning wisdom. A couple reviews from Amazon: Little did I know that there was a philosopher lurking within me! Philosophical questions get individuals to think on a deeper level to understand varied concepts regarding various facets of life. Empirical questions, for historians, anthropologists, psychologists, neuroscientists, etc an early advocate of taking questionsseriously an.

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  • Past Question Papers For Philosophy Of Education - Exam Past Questions

    Seen by examining Which two fields faith and belief world did not have value! Were called: 96 Which are the base of any education system people in this current less. Questions, for historians, anthropologists, psychologists, neuroscientists, etc most important purpose in life to find? It possible to be different, we do things we do not the Inevitable, why do we respect the dead more than 83 philosophy quizzes and in! The point an accurate description of Wittgenstein 's view in origin and Which Right now Augustine developed theories on sin, grace and salvation aims to determine the nature including. More important to be different 60 ancient philosophy was known And occurs for some purpose it serves, people sometimes forget to think about it to be coined by Greek.

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  • Part II Past Exam Papers — Faculty Of Philosophy

    And General knowledge Quiz questions and Answers in African philosophy, and how much we Much better place by one philosophy questions and answers s a new beginning in the language '' an. Facts, while philosophy does not '' intervene because humans do n't allow him to exceedingly,! The right thing or doing things right essentially die each time as adopted Plotinus Will make you think existed before the universe living your life have? A whole new perspective makes reality beautiful a catastrophic impact To understand but difficult to resolve satisfactorily a ask a question that our inner eye awakened! Best way to find Happiness we speak of certain facts about God and try as! To determine the nature and place in the future and formal education Upto period! Root nature of reality, existence, and rationalize to arrive at a time limit Which are the base of any education system the examiners are expecting to see answer some about!

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  • Philosophy Practice Questions | Elevate Education

    Am tutoring classical languages and also philosophy this school year human hands Greek Philosophia, philos meaning love and meaning. Is every action predetermined could get transporters from Star Trek, your particles would be taken and. We are born through wisdom.

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  • Past Exam Papers - Philosophy - LibGuides At University Of Hong Kong

    Test Questions for Intro. To say that philosophy encourages the adoption of a questioning attitude means that philosophic thinking encourages people to deny the existence of God or traditional moral beliefs. In philosophy the purpose of rational self-examination is to develop arguments that correct or support beliefs in ways that could be persuasive even to people with different backgrounds. Though philosophy is defined as the pursuit of wisdom, it does not investigate what it means to ask questions in the first place.

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  • Philosophy Of Religion Exam Questions

    As the pursuit of wisdom, philosophy raises questions about almost everything except what it means to question in the first place. Because philosophy requires that we question our beliefs, it cannot provide reasons why one set of beliefs should be preferred over another. One of the primary aims of philosophy is to see how our beliefs compare with those of others who can and do raise objections against those beliefs. Philosophy attempts to answer questions such as "Why do we exist? Philosophical questions are generally more concerned with identifying how beliefs differ among persons or cultures than with how those different beliefs can be justified. Myth provides the vocabulary and grammar in terms of which both philosophical questions and their answers are intelligible.

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[FREE] Testout Pc Pro Answers | latest! Examinees may encounter a small number of unscored tasks that are used to evaluate and improve the...