Thursday, April 15, 2021

Mandated Reporter Training Answers

  • [FREE] Mandated Reporter Training Answers | latest!

    This course is approved for 3 continuing education credits and has been approved by the PA Department of Human Services and Department of State to meet mandated reporting Act 31 license requirements. All other licensing-related questions should be...

  • [DOWNLOAD] Mandated Reporter Training Answers

    Professional and Academic Advising The New York State Education Department requires all social workers applying for social work licensure be trained as mandated reporters of child abuse and neglect. All students are required to complete this...

  • What Is A Mandated Reporter?

    The course contains several short modules, as well as a questionnaire and post-test. You must complete all parts of the training. In a separate email, you will receive registration confirmation with a temporary password; visit the Human Services Learning Center website and login with your email address and temporary password; create a new password when prompted. See their contact information above. Once you Have Completed and Passed the Exam When you pass the exam, be sure to save the completion certificate. Then, print out a copy of the certificate and fill it out with a pen, including your social security number, date and address. Sign and date the form. Keep one copy for your own records, submit a copy to your SWK instructor so that they can verify that you completed it during your course and send another copy via fax or email to: Susan Rotondo.

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  • Training Overview

    Does mandated reporter training expire? Also question is, how long is a mandatory reporter certificate good for? Act 31 requires all employees licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of State take a hour training on Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse every five years. Also Know, how often do you have to renew your mandated reporter training? While all mandatory reporters employed by LEAs must complete training each year, I also recommend refresher training. With large staff turnover in the past five years statewide, we must capture the attention of all new employees and administer training as soon as possible after hiring per EC b. How long is the mandated reporter certificate good for in NY?

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  • Training Course

    What is required by a mandatory reporter by law? A mandated reporter is a person who, because of his or her profession, is legally required to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the relevant authorities. These laws are in place to prevent children from being abused and to end any possible abuse or neglect at the earliest possible stage.

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  • Mandated Reporter Training Certificate

    The document reminds school staff about their responsibility as a mandated reporter and the signs of child abuse and neglect. On the reverse side, question examples are provided to help guide conversations with students and caregivers to further understanding and target supports. Training Wisconsin law requires all employees of Wisconsin public school districts to report suspected child abuse and neglect, Wis. In addition, school boards are to ensure all employees receive training provided by the Department of Public Instruction within six months of initial hiring and at least every five years thereafter, Wis.

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  • Mandatory Reporting Quiz

    Employees are considered to be anyone who receives an annual statement of wages for tax purposes W-2 form from the school district. In such cases, school districts may wish to consider requiring these contracted personnel to participate in the required training, if they work with students. School districts may select one of two methods to ensure their employees complete the training requirement: 1.

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  • Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training

    Learning Modules English and Spanish Versions Chrome is the preferred internet browser to view these online training modules. Make sure you know where to send your confirmation email for example, to a supervisor, a principal, or human resources in your district. Your school should provide instructions for where to send this email. Keep a copy of your confirmation email as proof of training completion. If you transfer to a different school district within 5 years of taking the training, this email will serve as your proof of completion. DPI is not responsible for keeping or maintaining records of course completion. This responsibility lies with the school district. Do not send your confirmation email to DPI. It may take business days to receive your confirmation email.

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  • Child Abuse And Neglect Training

    When asked by his teacher what happened, he says that he fell yesterday. Which of the following is the most appropriate next action? She does not currently have any injuries. She denies the use of force, stating that she wants to have sex with him because she loves him. As a mandated reporter, you should: a notify her parents b ask for his name and phone number so you can verify the information c nothing, the sex is consensual, and both teenagers are under 18 d report to a child protective agency because she is under 14 years of age and he is over 14 years of age 9 After suspecting child abuse or neglect, a mandated reported must call a child protective agency: a within 36 hours b within 24 hours c immediately or as soon as possible d the law does not specify a timeframe 10 Which of the following types of reports must be reported by the child protective agency to the CACI Child Abuse Central Index?

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  • Mandated Reporters Of Child Abuse/Neglect

    True False 17 To guarantee confidentiality, mandated reporters are not required to give their names when reporting suspected abuse or neglect. True False 18 Mandated reporting laws for child abuse and neglect are the same for public and private organizations. True False 19 A mandated reporter should only report child abuse after they have investigated the concern and determined that abuse or neglect has occurred.

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  • Does Mandated Reporter Training Expire?

    True False 20 After a child abuse report is filed, the children are always removed from their home during the investigation. True False Related documents.

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  • Reporting Abuse FAQ & Training

    What is Child Abuse and Neglect Physical abuse: Non-accidental trauma or physical injury of a child, or failure to protect a child from harm. Neglect: Failure to provide for a child's physical survival needs to the extent that there is harm, or risk of harm, to the child's health or safety. Psychological harm: A repeated pattern of caregiver behavior or extreme incident s that convey to children they are worthless, flawed, unloved, unwanted, endangered. May include both abusive acts against a child and failure to act. Who Must Report Child Abuse? Everyone in Tennessee is a mandated reporter under state law. The reporter can remain anonymous. Failure to Report Failure to report abuse is a violation of the law and a Class A misdemeanor, carrying a sentence of up to three months imprisonment, a fine or both. The reporter has the right to remain confidential and anonymous. The location of the child and directions to that location Any statements from the child Parent's or perpetrator's explanation of the alleged child victim's condition or the incident Parent's current emotional, physical or mental state, especially feelings about the child and reactions to the report How the reporter came to know the information and the reporter's thoughts about the likelihood of further harm to the child The child has repeated injuries that are not properly treated or adequately explained.

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  • Mandated Reporters

    The child begins acting in unusual ways ranging from disruptive and aggressive to passive and withdrawn. The child acts as a parent toward his or her brothers and sisters or even toward their own parents. The child may have disturbed sleep nightmares, bed wetting, fear of sleeping alone, and needing nightlight. There is a sudden drop in school grades or participation in activities. The child may report abusive or neglectful acts. Note: The above signs can indicate something is wrong but do not necessarily indicate abuse or neglect. It explains how the process works, plus policies, laws and what reporters can expect. The training is used by many public entities such as schools, child care centers and organizations that have some contact with children.

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  • Louisiana Department Of Children & Family Services

    Front Back Which of the following would be the best question to ask a child about a suspicious injury that you have observed? How did you get hurt? Did someone hit you? You want the child to tell you what actions occurred even if you suspect someone else inflected the injury. A teacher asks a child what happened to his leg after seeing a red mark.

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  • Mandatory Reporting

    The child responds by saying his dad hit him with a belt. The Site Supervisor responds by saying she will inform the Program Director and will make the phone call. Is anything else required of the teacher? No, since she informed the Site Supervisor there is nothing more to do. Yes, she needs to call the father to ask if he hit his child with a belt. Yes, she needs to follow up with the Site Supervisor to ensure the call was made. You cannot hand-off the responsibility to someone else, even your supervisor. Always follow up to ensure the call and written report to CPS was made.

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  • Mandated Reporters – Preventing Child Abuse And Neglect

    When an eight year old was rolling up her sleeves you noticed some unusual marks that looked like bruises. You ask the child if you can take a look and ask her if her arms hurt. She looks down, crosses her arms and does not answer you. What do you do? At a minimum, a call should be made to CPS to ask if this is reportable. There may already be previous documentation in the CPS database about suspected abuse, and this phone call may be all that is needed for CPS to decide to investigate. Why is it important to be alert to behavioral indicators of sexual abuse? Because fear, shame, or a sense of responsibility may prevent children from reporting sexual abuse. Because children who are being sexually abused frequently develop coping mechanisms and behaviors c.

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  • Maine Mandated Reporter Quiz Answers

    Because children may try to protect their abuser d. All of the above Answer: d If you are unsure about whether or not to make a child abuse report, you should: a. Just keep an eye out for the child and do not report. Consult with your local child protection agency. Tell your site supervisor and let he or she make the final decision Answer: b You are a program director. A child in your program comes to you complaining about a toothache. You call the mother, who agrees to take the child to a dentist. Several weeks later the child again comes to your office, and this time the tooth is obviously abscessed.

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  • Resources | Child Abuse Mandated Reporter Training

    You again call the mother who says she could not get a dental appointment. You assist the parent in making an appointment for the next day with a dentist that works with your program. The mother cancels the appointment. Three days later the child still has not received treatment, and now is presenting with a fever and severe swelling. What would you do? Answer: This is physical neglect and is reportable to CPS. Emotional neglect does not leave obvious signs such as bruising or marks. What are some indicators of emotional abuse? Behavioral problems such as destructive and anti-social behavior b. Speech disorders and developmental delays c.

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  • Answer The Following Mandated Reporter Scenarios Terms Flashcards

    Self destructive behavior d. Cruelty —seemingly taking pleasure in hurting other people and animals. You ask her mother to come in to talk to you about it. Her mother claims that Lucy acts like an only child and always wants her way. You overhear the mother ridiculing her in the parking lot, telling her she is stupid and no one at school likes her because of the way she acts. Answer: This needs to be called into CPS. CPS may say a report is not needed at this time, but will begin documentation in their database on this family. The nature of the child's injuries and his statement suggest action is required in this case. Although you are not mandated by the CSPL to make reports to law enforcement, this would be an appropriate case to report to the police. We also recommend that you contact the parents and initiate medical attention, if necessary. Share the flashcard by embedding it on your website or blog.

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  • DCFS - Mandated Reporter

    Technical Support Training Overview The purpose of this online training is to educate a wide audience of Washington DC professionals mandated to report child abuse and neglect. What's Involved? Step 1: Register at DC. Step 2: Take a pre-training test containing 15 questions. Step 3: Complete the training. Step 4: Take a post-training test. Step 5: Print a certificate of completion. What Will You Learn? This engaging training contains definitions, examples, and signs of child abuse and neglect, numerous links to resources and DC legal codes, helpful tips for mandated reporters, and interactive learning checks to confirm you learned important concepts.

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  • Mandated Reporter Training Homepage

    The average completion time is 2. However, there is no time limit, so feel free to browse through the optional resources as you learn. If you need to leave the training, you may logout and return later by using your email and password. This training is an opportunity for you, the DC Mandated Reporter, to learn as much as possible about this important role. Use the numerous activities and links to refresh previous knowledge and to learn new skills that will help you fulfill your mandate to report child abuse and neglect.

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  • Mandated Reporter Training | School Of Social Work

    Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. Pa Mandated Reporter Post-test. Questions and Answers 1. As a mandated reporter you may NOT keep a child in your custody even if you believe the child will be physically harmed if you send them home. A mandated reporter also includes volunteers of public or private orga nizations whose duties require direct contact and supervision of children who are encouraged to obtain training in the identification and reporting of child abuse. School districts are strongly encouraged to provide their employees who are mandated reporters with training.

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  • ACS - Mandated Reporters

    This test will help provide feedback as to your understanding of material presentd in the website. Sign in to report inappropriate content. Followed by the general training module, the Child Care Providers module is a three hour training that includes eight sections. Each section will include practice test questions or vignettes. The general training module is all inclusive, non-profession specific, and should be taken by every Mandated Reporter.

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  • Mandated Reporter Training | School Of Social Work

    Law enforcement agencies or child protective services will carry out the investigation, and you can add details to the report if they become available later. You can track the report any time through child protective services, who should be able to provide you with information on the status of the investigation. When should I make a report? Most state laws indicate that a report must anwers filed when there is reasonable suspicion that a child has been abused, is being abused, or is at risk of being snswers. Mandated reporters must report as soon as you have reason to believe that there is a case of answsrs or if the child discloses to you. You do not need proof or knowledge beyond a reasonable doubt that abuse is occurring. Again, this means that you so not have to have proof, only reasonable answwrs of abuse.

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