Thursday, April 15, 2021

Keystone Exams Delayed

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    Districts must offer remediation to failing students before they take the project-based assessment. Schools are overwhelmed by the tutoring students need, the time it takes to administer and score the new assessments and the high number of students...

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    Wolf said he supports high academic standards but recognizes the issues with Keystone implementation. The legislation also requires the Department of Education to explore other ways for students to show mastery of content besides the Keystones. A...

  • Parents/Students

    Friday, May 19, will operate on a regular day. All school busses will run on a regular schedule. No busses will run for the delayed schedule. Students who do not have their own transportation for the delayed schedule will be expected to ride the bus at its regular morning time and report to the auditorium for an academic preparatory period. During the delay times on May , computer labs in the Business wing, AA will be available for juniors and seniors who are enrolled in Compass Learning and would like to work toward completion of required courses. In addition, on May 17 and 18, the following Tech Ed classrooms will be available for students who need to compete projects: Ms. Walburn, B, Mr. Scanzello, B, Mr. Moore, B and B, Mrs. Barket, B and Mr. Miller, B

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  • New Bill Eases Teacher Requirement During Pandemic; Delays Keystone Exam

    That means there's still plenty of time for the department to do likewise for We believe it should. For the state, that means requesting and obtaining federal waivers of testing and accountability requirements for the school year. We believe it is both illogical and inappropriate to push standardized tests under circumstances that are anything but standard as COVID has many Pennsylvania school districts ping-ponging back and forth between virtual, in-person and hybrid education models to adjust to shifting infection rates and public opinions.

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  • Boyertown Area School District

    The Pennsylvania System of School Assessments measure elementary and middle school student performance with an eye toward assessing whether the schools are meeting academic standards in language arts, math, science and technology. The Keystones are state-mandated end-of-course tests given to middle school and high school students that require them to show proficiency in core subjects in order to graduate. The Keystones are also a key component of a school's Act 82 Building Level Score, which gauges the effectiveness of principals and teachers on a building-by-building basis. Way back in October, a spokesman for the state's largest teachers' union told a Pittsburgh-area NPR news station that the Pennsylvania State Education Association wants its teachers to focus on building community, addressing students' specific educational needs and connecting with them whether it's via Zoom or in-person "rather than prepping them for a standardized test that they'll take in April.

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  • Keystone Exams Graduation Requirement Delayed

    They still do today. By many accounts, school districts across the commonwealth and their teachers are working like never before just to get students positioned to learn — sorting out their technology issues, getting them to show up and contribute during Zoom and in-person classes, motivating them to submit "homework" assignments and figuring out how to fairly administer quizzes and tests. Attendance, classroom participation, homework and testing are public education's foundational elements — the basic blocking and tackling that districts need to get right to equip students to earn passing grades.

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  • Information

    But in an industry turned upside down by COVID, educators are doing heroic work as they handle all of these pieces in new and different ways. Every spring we hear complaints from critics that the PSSAs interrupt the flow of the spring semester as teachers weigh the importance of their schools attaining proficiency against the perception that they're merely "teaching to the test". Those criticisms will be louder and more justifiable this spring, and we believe comparing the COVID-era PSSA results to the ones the schools earned in a pre-pandemic year like ought to be viewed as an apples-to-oranges comparison. So why bother? As for the Keystone exams, Governor Tom Wolf in late November signed Senate Bill , which delayed using the exams as a graduation requirement until the school year.

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  • If Keystone Exams Were A Graduation Requirement

    No one in the general assembly voted against the bill when it came to the floor. This Act also stipulates that if a student completes all the requirements of a particular course, he or she does not have to prove proficiency by taking the corresponding Keystone exam. So, again, why bother? The bottom line is that we'll likely learn less than usual from the results of these tests. One thing we will learn — that COVID has had a monumentally disruptive effect on education in Pennsylvania — we knew already. The commonwealth should request the relevant waivers from the federal government and, without delay, remove the PSSAs and Keystones from the spring schedule.

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  • Some York County School Districts Delay Standardized Tests Due To COVID-19 Pandemic

    Students began taking the tests in , with a plan to have Keystones become a graduation requirement in In February , Pennsylvania delayed the requirement of passing Keystone exams in order for a student to be eligible to graduate. Students were still required to take the exams, with limited exceptions, but they did not have to pass them. In Governor Wolf signed Senate Bill into law that shifted away from the state's reliance on standardized testing as a graduation requirement. Senate Bill extended the options for students to demonstrate graduation readiness by providing alternate pathways. These requirements were set to take effect beginning with the graduating class of In November Governor Wolf signed Senate Bill Act into law which once again pushed back the graduation requirement.

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  • Numerous Changes To The School Code

    The graduation requirements are set to take effect for the class of Each exam is aligned to the PA Common Core Eligible Content and is designed to evaluate student success in learning the skills and knowledge associated with the study of each of those subject areas. The intention of the Keystone Exam is to serve as a graduation requirement and method of feedback for students, parents, and schools. The class of will be required to meet the aforementioned requirements. See below for specific details and Keystone graduation requirements for current High School students. PDE has waived the Keystone Exam requirement for the year for students who earned a passing score in their Biology course. If a student did not pass the course or did not take the course during 9th grade, they will still be required to take and pass the Keystone exam.

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  • ​Keystone Testing Windows

    Literature Keystone Exam: As of now, 10th graders will be taking the Literature Keystone this spring Algebra Keystone Exam: If students were enrolled in an Algebra I course during the school year and passed the course, the Algebra I Keystone Exam requirement is waived and they are considered proficient. If students did not pass the course, they will still be required to take the Algebra I Keystone Exam. A proficient score is required for graduation. Algebra I Keystone Exam: If students were enrolled in the Algebra I course during the school year and passed the course, the Algebra I Keystone Exam requirement is waived and they are considered proficient.

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  • Cancel The PSSAs And Keystones In 2021

    But an amendment to the bill pushed the requirement back, partly to give the Department of Education time to find alternatives to the tests, and partly to give schools — and students — time to get ready for the change. The legislation is now before the Senate for a final vote. What are the Keystone Exams? The Pa. Additional subjects may be added in the future. How are they different from the PSSAs?

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  • Pennsylvania Says Schools Can Delay Standardized Tests Until The Fall

    Launched in , the Pennsylvania System of School Assessment tests are administered each spring and are based on state standards for what students should know in certain grades. Students in grades 3 through 8 take the PSSA in English language arts and math; fourth- and eighth-graders also take the science and technology exam. The PSSAs help teachers identify students who need additional academic help, and help the state to evaluate schools and teachers. When will passing the Keystone Exams be mandatory for graduation?

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  • Keystone Exams

    Under the bill now before the state Legislature, starting with the class of , students will be required to pass all three Keystone exams — algebra I, biology and literature — in order to graduate. The goal is to make sure Pennsylvania is producing students who are prepared to enter college and the workforce. Students who score below proficient on the exams are required to get additional academic help from their schools and can then retake the exams, which are offered three times a year.

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  • Keystone Exams Waiver - Impacts On LEA Practices

    Alternately, students can demonstrate their proficiency in a subject by participating in a project-based assessment — an eight- to week series of activities based on the same subject matter as the exam. In some cases, students who still score below proficient can graduate anyway if they meet all local requirements and receive approval from their district superintendent. The original legislation, passed by the state Senate last June, would have made the Keystone Exams a graduation requirement starting with the class of An amendment to the measure — approved unanimously by the House on Nov. It also requires PDE to explore additional alternatives to the tests and gives schools more time to plan for the change. Tom Wolf has said he is likely to sign the bill if the Senate passes it.

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  • Keystone Exams Graduation Requirement Delayed -

    That means there's still plenty of time for the department to do likewise for We believe it should. For the state, that means requesting and obtaining federal waivers of testing and accountability requirements for the school year. We believe it is both illogical and inappropriate to push standardized tests under circumstances that are anything but standard as COVID has many Pennsylvania school districts ping-ponging back and forth between virtual, in-person and hybrid education models to adjust to shifting infection rates and public opinions. The Pennsylvania System of School Assessments measure elementary and middle school student performance with an eye toward assessing whether the schools are meeting academic standards in language arts, math, science and technology. The Keystones are state-mandated end-of-course tests given to middle school and high school students that require them to show proficiency in core subjects in order to graduate. The Keystones are also a key component of a school's Act 82 Building Level Score, which gauges the effectiveness of principals and teachers on a building-by-building basis.

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  • Some York County School Districts Delay Standardized Tests Due To COVID Pandemic

    Way back in October, a spokesman for the state's largest teachers' union told a Pittsburgh-area NPR news station that the Pennsylvania State Education Association wants its teachers to focus on building community, addressing students' specific educational needs and connecting with them whether it's via Zoom or in-person "rather than prepping them for a standardized test that they'll take in April. They still do today. By many accounts, school districts across the commonwealth and their teachers are working like never before just to get students positioned to learn — sorting out their technology issues, getting them to show up and contribute during Zoom and in-person classes, motivating them to submit "homework" assignments and figuring out how to fairly administer quizzes and tests.

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  • Governor Signs Bill With Delay, Options For Keystone Exam

    Attendance, classroom participation, homework and testing are public education's foundational elements — the basic blocking and tackling that districts need to get right to equip students to earn passing grades. But in an industry turned upside down by COVID, educators are doing heroic work as they handle all of these pieces in new and different ways. Every spring we hear complaints from critics that the PSSAs interrupt the flow of the spring semester as teachers weigh the importance of their schools attaining proficiency against the perception that they're merely "teaching to the test".

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  • Keystone Exam Graduation Requirement Delayed

    Those criticisms will be louder and more justifiable this spring, and we believe comparing the COVID-era PSSA results to the ones the schools earned in a pre-pandemic year like ought to be viewed as an apples-to-oranges comparison. So why bother? As for the Keystone exams, Governor Tom Wolf in late November signed Senate Bill , which delayed using the exams as a graduation requirement until the school year. No one in the general assembly voted against the bill when it came to the floor. This Act also stipulates that if a student completes all the requirements of a particular course, he or she does not have to prove proficiency by taking the corresponding Keystone exam.

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  • Wolf Signs Bill To Suspend Use Of Keystone Exams As A Graduation Requirement

    So, again, why bother? The bottom line is that we'll likely learn less than usual from the results of these tests. One thing we will learn — that COVID has had a monumentally disruptive effect on education in Pennsylvania — we knew already. The commonwealth should request the relevant waivers from the federal government and, without delay, remove the PSSAs and Keystones from the spring schedule.

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  • Keystone Exams / Keystone Exams

    South Western School District and Eastern York School District were scheduled to hold Keystone exams this week, according to their district calendars, but neither began the testing, as both are operating via remote learning. South Western won't hold its Keystone exams until March, even though students will return to in-person instruction Jan. Freil said South Western officials delayed the exams until March to give students and teachers time to adjust to a more familiar form of learning before administering the tests. The Keystone exams are the first of several standardized tests Pennsylvania students are scheduled to take this year. The annual exams are typically held at the end of the semester in the winter and spring, while the Pennsylvania System of School Assessments, or PSSAs, are held in the middle of the spring semester, Freil said.

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  • Pennsylvania Says Schools Can Delay Standardized Tests Until The Fall - The Morning Call

    Last year, Pennsylvania canceled its remaining standardized tests for the school year after the COVID pandemic caused schools throughout the state to close. State officials waived the PSSA requirement for students that year, and students scheduled to take the Keystone exams were marked as proficient, Freil said. Kendall Alexander, spokesperson for the Pennsylvania Department of Education, said thousands of students have already taken the Keystone exams. Freil said he and other district officials are concerned about how the pandemic will impact students' test scores. South Western is one of many school districts across Pennsylvania that has switched between learning models several times this year.

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  • Governor Wolf Signs Bill To Delay The Implementation Of The Keystone Exams

    Keystone exams for the spring semester are held in May, Freil said. Some York County school districts have already administered their winter Keystone exams. Spring Grove Area School District spokesperson Stephanie Kennedy said the district held the exams in December, both in person and online. Alexander said the district must ensure students are supervised or are taking the tests in a secure setting. Freil said South Western does not offer an online option for the exams. Aside from delaying the date, he said, the pandemic has not changed how the district plans to administer the exams.!2FXAA/

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  • Pennsylvania To Delay Keystone Exam Graduation Test Requirement Again

    Along with extending the time windows for the exams, Alexander said, the Department of Education is allowing districts to test smaller groups of students over a longer period. She said districts are also instructed to follow their local health and safety plans during the assessments.

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  • If Keystone Exams Were A Graduation Requirement | RealClearPublicAffairs

    Education School districts put to the test with statewide exams. But, could students soon catch a break? The annual statewide exams that are normally given in person are posing a big challenge to school districts during the COVID pandemic. But during a pandemic that poses a real problem to school districts especially as many of them remain virtual or functioning under a hybrid model. So, trying to get those students tested, trying to bring them in, because right now we have to test everyone face-to-face would be a real challenge for us," said Cumberland Valley School District superintendent Dr.

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  • Gov. Wolf Delays The Implementation Of The Keystone Exams - Governor Tom Wolf

    David Christopher who also noted the pandemic poses a problem on where and how to seat students during the multi-hour tests. The US Department of Education has not yet waived requirements for the testing but it is facing increasing pressure to do so as two state leaders even made a bipartisan pitch to President Joe Biden to get the requirements changed. Martin teamed up with Minority Chair, Democrat Sen. In that letter, Ortega notes that he understands testing is a federal requirement as results determine things such as prioritization of schools for support and intervention. However, the PA Dept. Christopher who said his district will have to wait to see what the US Department of Education decides on the testing before making final plans. It said it also recognizes that individual states may need additional assessment flexibility but it's prepared to work with states to address their individual needs and conditions while ensuring the maximum available statewide data to inform the targeting of resources and support.

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  • Pa. Schools Could Delay State Exams To The Fall; Extending School Year Eyed To Close Learning Gaps

    What are the Keystone Exams? The Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments designed to evaluate proficiency in the academic content areas of Algebra I, English LIterature, and Biology. Who will participate in the Keystone Exams? Students should take the Keystone Exams at or near the end of a Keystone-related course. Additionally, any students who have already taken a Keystone Exam and did not score Proficient or Advanced will be provided the opportunity to retest. Some students who previously completed a Keystone-related course but did not take the Keystone Exam will also participate for accountability purposes. What types of questions are on the Keystone Exams? The Keystone Exams will include multiple-choice questions and constructed-response, or open-ended, questions. For each Keystone Exam, approximately 60 percent to 75 percent of the total score will be from multiple-choice questions and 25 percent to 40 percent of the total score will be from constructed-response questions.

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  • PDE Releases Guidance On Keystone Exams (May 21, 2021)

    Are the Keystone Exams a graduation requirement for my student? Participation in state assessments, particularly Keystone Exams, remains part of the federal accountability requirement. Keystone Retesting Students who do not score Proficient on the Keystone exam may retake the exam until the completion of their Junior year. Both the middle school and high school are equipped to remediate students who do not score proficient on these exams. All initial testing days will be run as a two-hour delay schedule for all non-testing students. Transportation will be provided at at both the normal time for all students that are testing and on the two-hour delay for those students who are not testing. Parents and guardians may review the Keystone Exams if they believe they may be in conflict with their religious beliefs by making arrangements with the School Test Coordinator once the exams arrive at the school.

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  • History And Current Status Of Keystone Exams In Pennsylvania

    Confidentiality agreements must be signed, and no copies of the Keystone Exams or notes about exam questions will be permitted to leave the school. What if I want to opt my student out of the Keystone Exams? If, after reviewing the Keystone Exams, parents or guardians do not want their child to participate in one or all of the exams due to a conflict with their religious beliefs, they may write a letter specifying their objection to the assistant principal to request their child be excused from the exam s.

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  • Blog Search Tags - Keystone_Exams

    What if I do not want my student retested in the same subject? If your student has already taken the exam and was not proficient, you may request that they not be retested. To do this you must submit a signed letter to the assistant principal specifying this request. This letter will not exclude students from taking exams in which they have not already tested. For example: If Student A took the Algebra I Keystone Exam in 9th Grade and you wish for them not to take it again, a letter must be provided to the assistant principal. If you experience difficulty with the accessibility of any web pages or documents, please request materials in an alternate format. External links sites are not supervised by or within the control of the PGSD.

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  • Keystone Exams / Home

    Read All The information contained in this post is for informational purposes only, and does not substitute for engaging legal counsel. This information does not constitute legal advice or solicitation for legal services. No attorney-client relationship is created by use of this post or website. Numerous Changes to the School Code Published: December 8, Senate Billnow Act ofmakes numerous changes to the School Code, most of which are applicable to the current school year and deserve attention.

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