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When a cognitive deficit is hypothesized, it is common to use other assessment measures as well, such as neuroimaging like CT scans or fMRI. Mental status screens are short, efficient, and well-researched modalities designed to evaluate multiple...
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How to Use When performing a cognitive assessment, the clinician must take a good patient history and perform a physical exam; this ensures that the patients receive a thorough evaluation while strengthening the caregiver-patient relationship. If...
Psychological Disorders Questions
A variety of cognitive assessment screens exist, and each has instructions, templates if applicable , and often its own website. Below is a shortlist of some of the more popular screening tools used and their relative strengths and weaknesses. However, what was once the gold standard in cognitive assessments, the MMSE is now used less frequently due to copyright laws and additional costs. It evaluates visuospatial skills, attention, language, abstract reasoning, delayed recall, executive function, and orientation. The associated website includes specific adaptations for different populations, many different languages, printable versions of the test, and training opportunities. Mini-Cog The Mini-Cog is one of the faster cognitive assessment screens used. It consists of two parts: a three-item recall and a clock-drawing test.
Abnormal Psychology
The delayed three-item recall tests memory while the clock drawing test evaluates cognitive function, language, executive function, and visuospatial skills. The Mini-Cog website also gives detailed instructions for administrators. Their website has an instructional outline for administrators, training opportunities, and a wide range of language options from which to choose. The results of these assessments require review in the context of each patient. Each administrator should remember that a screening test is not a substitute for a diagnostic workup. Lastly, it bears mentioning that no current data support the use of cognitive assessments in asymptomatic patients.
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Neuropsychological Domains Cognitive assessments evaluate for cognitive impairment by assessing the neuropsychological domains. A brief explanation of the frequently tested domains follows. Language The language domain involves naming, reading, writing, and repeating words. There are many ways to test for language. It should be noted that there is a part of the language domain that can become mildly impaired with normal aging. Expressive aphasia, which is the inability to find words, can become impaired with normal aging. Executive Function This assessment encompasses organizing, planning, working memory, mental flexibility, list-making, and executing tasks.
Abnormal Psychology Final Test!!!!
An example of executive function impairment might be a patient who cannot follow recipes or cook as well as they used to. Often, executive function is tested by naming as many categorical items as possible; for example, name as many animals as possible in one minute. Abstract Reasoning Abstract reasoning refers to analyzing information, detecting patterns and relationships, or solving problems on an intangible and theoretical level. Another example would be the ability to solve problems without the knowledge that it would normally take to solve them. Abstract reasoning is often tested by having the patient describe similes, analogies, proverbs, or sayings.
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For example, the relationship between an airplane and a bicycle is that they are both modes of transportation. Memory Memory is the mechanism that takes information and then encodes, stores, and retrieves it for later use. Different kinds of memory make this domain very complicated. Memory divides into short-term and long-term memory. Short-term memory is capable of taking small pieces of information and utilizing it for a brief period. Long-term memory subdivides into procedural and declarative, which further divides into episodic and semantic. Procedural memory is the storing of information used to perform or complete tasks that are done often, like driving a car. Episodic memory is contextual information, storing or remembering things from a specific experience. An example of episodic memory is the patient remembering what he or she did for his or her last birthday. Semantic memory is more general knowledge or factual based memory and would include learned subjects such as math.
Abnormal Psychology - Test One Questions
Because memory is so complex, it is essential to recognize and document what exactly is under evaluation during this part of the assessment. It is also worth noting that normal aging can slightly impair memory. Some clinicians observe the patient and assess their level of attention throughout the interview. An example of a neuropsychological test that acknowledges attention and concentration is the Connors Continuous Performance Test. Testing often consists of copying figures, block designs, or clock drawings. This skill set may be difficult to assess while taking a history, but could present as a patient suddenly having difficulty with parallel parking a car or getting into small accidents. Behavioral Assessment Behavioral assessment involves the identification and measurement of particular behaviors and the variables affecting their occurrence.
Abnormal Psychology Exam 1
In educational, clinical, and organizational settings, accurate assessment is key to developing effective programs of behavior modification or behavior therapy. Direct assessment involves observing and recording situational factors surrounding a problem behavior e. So, for example, a member of an IEP team may observe disruptive behavior in the setting that it is likely to occur, and record the data. If a child is disruptive or acting out in school, a psychologist may want to sit in the classroom to observe their behavior or have a recording of their classroom behavior. With this direct observation, they can identify and record specific behaviors and use techniques to code specific things such as the number of times the child gets up from their seat. The observer may use a matrix or scatter plot to chart the relationship between specific instructional variables and student responses.
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These techniques also will be useful in identifying possible environmental factors e. These tools can be developed specifically to address the type of variable in question, and can be customized to analyze specific behaviors and situations e. Regardless of the tool, observations that occur consistently across time and situations, and that reflect both quantitative and qualitative measures of the behavior in question, are recommended. Self-monitoring is also used as a behavioral assessment tool.
Abnormal Psychology Flashcards
For example, a person suffering from PTSD may be asked to monitor and record the frequency and circumstances of their panic attacks or feelings of anxiety. Behavioral rating scales can also be used as a way to document behavior. These are surveys either filled out by the individual or another observer, such as a parent or caretaker. The school-age checklist contains problem behavior questions.
Abnormal Psychology Exam 2
The main scoring for the Child Behavior Checklist CBCL is based on statistical groupings of sets of behaviors that typically occur together. The original scale used principal components analysis to group the items, and more recent research has used confirmatory factor analysis to test the structure. Similar questions are grouped into a number of syndrome scale scores, and their scores are summed to produce a raw score for that syndrome.
Abnormal Psych
PART I: Psychological Conditions and Treatment -- due within one week of exam 1 Should individuals with anorexia have the right to refuse life sustaining treatment? Is multiple personality disorder a valid diagnosis? Does Attention Deficit Disorder really exist? Should Abstinence be the goal of treating people with alcohol problems? The Trend Toward Biological Interventions -- due within one week of exam 2 Are Prozac and similar antidepressant medications safe and effective for long-term use? Is Ritalin and other psychostimulants over prescribed to children, especially boys? Should psychologists be able to prescribe medication?
Abnormal Psychology Mcq
Is electroconvulsive therapy ECT - i. Part III. Social Issues -- due within one week of exam 3 Is sexual orientation conversion therapy therapy aimed at converting a homosexual to a heterosexual ethical? Does exposure to media violence promote aggressive behavior? Is pornography harmful? Does evolutionary theory explain why men rape? Should mental health professionals serve as gatekeepers for physician-assisted suicide?
Abnormal Psychology, Author: Ronald J. Comer - StudyBlue
Program in Psychology 1. Learning Goal: Students in introductory psychology and biopsychology courses will gain an appreciation for how the brain governs the behavior of organisms. Specific Objectives: Students will learn about each primary brain structure and its function s in behavior. Students will learn about different methods available for studying brain structure and function. Students will gain an appreciation of the complexities of brain function and will discover how cognitive processes often require the coordinated activity of many brain areas. Students will gain an understanding of the bidirectional interaction between brain function and behavior, i. Learning Goal: Students in biopsychology courses will learn about current issues and important research questions driving biological psychology. Specific Objectives: Students will learn about the scientific method and its value for psychological research; Students will learn about the ethical use of animals and humans in research; Students will learn about the value of conducting animal-based research; Students will learn why research studies often show conflicting results and will learn to think critically about the methods used to obtain certain results; Students will learn how research results are presented in the media and will learn how to approach these messages by critically evaluating the studies that are presented.
Abnormal Psychology Exam 1 - ProProfs Quiz
Learning Goal: Through extensive exposure to and experience with scientific methodology, psychology students in these courses will develop the critical thinking skills necessary to interpret fundamental research findings in the area of cognition and learning. In addition, these skills will be useful in students' other areas of study and will contribute to the ability to make rational, informed decisions in everyday life. Specific Objectives: Students will demonstrate an ability to critically evaluate experimental research designs with respect to their appropriateness for evaluating a particular theory; Given an experimental design, students will demonstrate an ability to identify the contrasting predictions derived from alternative theoretical accounts; Students will demonstrate a clear understanding of the relationship between variables used in research, with a specific emphasis on understanding the relationship between the independent and dependent variable; Students will be able to clearly and concisely present research to others.
The format for presentation will include either a written paper or a verbal presentation. Learning Goal: Students in introductory psychology and social courses will gain an understanding of current theories and concepts employed in studying social behavior. Specific Objectives: Students will: Understand and develop the ability to critically analyze how the power of the situation and cognitive processes act in concert to determine behavior; acquire knowledge about a number of specific domains of social psychology, including impression formation, the self-concept, aggression, helping, prejudice, group processes, attitudes, relationships, and social influence; Learn to apply the acquired knowledge to improve their lives and the lives of others.
Abnormal Psychology Exam 1 Questions And Answers
Instructors Learning Goals and Objectives: 1 Students will gain an appreciation for the multi-faceted nature of emotional disorders.
Abnormal Psychology | Psychology Quiz - Quizizz
Evaluate one or more studies related to the treatment of disorders. Biological treatments Evaluate one biological treatment for one disorder. Evaluate one study relevant to one biology treatment of disorders. Psychological treatments Evaluate one psychological treatment for one disorder. Contrast one biological treatment with one psychological treatment for disorders. The role of culture in treatment Discuss the role of culture in the treatment of disorders. Assessing the effectiveness of treatment s Discuss one or more ways psychologists can assess the effectiveness of treatment.
Abnormal Psychology Exam 2 Flashcards - Medicoguia.com
Evaluate the effectiveness of one treatment for disorders. The difficulty in predicting exam questions for the diagnosis topic is one reason why the etiology or treatment topics are more appealing for exam preparation. Etiology of Abnormal Psychology Discuss the biological approach to understanding the etiology of abnormal psychology. Discuss the cognitive approach to understanding the etiology of abnormal psychology.
Abnormal Psychology ECE Study Guide | InstantCert
Evaluate the sociocultural approach to understanding the etiology of abnormal psychology. Contrast the biological and cognitive approaches to understanding the etiology of abnormal psychology. Treatment of Disorders Discuss the biological approach to the treatment of disorders. Evaluate the biological or cognitive approach to the treatment of disorders. Contrast two approaches biological, cognitive or sociocultural to the treatment of disorders.
AP Psychology Practice Test: Abnormal Behavior
Research Methods Evaluate the use of one research method used to study factors influencing diagnosis. Discuss approaches to research in the study of factors influencing diagnosis. Evaluate one or more research methods used to study the treatment of disorders. Evaluate one approach to research i. Evaluate one research method used to study the treatment of one or more disorders. Ethical Considerations Discuss one or more ethical considerations related to research on factors influencing diagnosis.
Professor Sanderson - PSY Abnormal Psychology
Discuss one or more ethical considerations related to research on the treatment of disorders. Discuss one ethical considerations related to research on the etiology of abnormal psychology. Discuss one or more ethical considerations relevant to one study on the treatment of disorders. Notes Paper Two is essay questions only. SL students write one essay for one option, HL students write two essays on two options. There are three topics in the abnormal psychology option and there will definitely be one question per topic, which means you can safely study only one topic per option.
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Experiencing of sights sounds smells and other perceptions that occur in the absence of external stimuli. In this Exam review I utilized the course textbook lecture PowerPoints class examples and illustrations and most importantly the DSM-V to provide accurate information the Exam 2. Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. It was Sigmund Freud who once said 'every normal person, in fact, is only normal on the average. In order to understand abnormal psychology, it's essential to first understand what we mean by the term "abnormal. Medical, sociological, and psychological factors. Study 34 Abnormal Psychology review test questions flashcards from Jonathan M. Unit V Article Review. Questions on Abnormal Psychology Words 19 Pages. Finding meaning in life and dealing with death form core values in which of the following perspectives? Abnormal Psychology Review Questions section 4: Define one of the following and provide an example: o Essentials of Abnormal Psychology 5th ed.
Friday, April 16, 2021
Abnormal Psychology Exam Questions
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